Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Toms River
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Toms River

Intervention Services For Toms River, New Jersey

It's upsetting when a loved one struggles substance use, but won’t get help. What can you do? An intervention can force a friend or family member to see that their addiction has an impact on others and that they ought to get professional assistance.

If you’re contemplating an intervention for a person close to you, Evolve Recovery Center Toms River can assist. Contact us today to ask about how our addiction intervention services near Toms River can guide you in arranging an intervention. We’ll assist you to the resources and specialists who will assist you in getting the person in your life the care they require.

Get Your Loved One Into Treatment With Alcohol And Drug Intervention Services In Toms River

Completing an intervention is a tricky matter. If not handled correctly, you may end up forcing your friend or family member away rather than supporting them. Our intervention specialists in Toms River can help lead you to the desired outcome. We have extensive experience coordinating with families to convince a relative to get started on or re-engage with alcohol or drug rehab.

When you contact us for intervention services, we’ll talk about your particular situation and concerns. If you move forward, we provide two methods to help you have an intervention:

  • An Evolve specialist can direct you during a call. They will instruct you on how to handle the intervention on your own. While your love and support can make your family member or friend see an issue, it can help to have a specialist advise on what to do next. We’ll speak with them during the call about what recovery plan is best suited for their circumstances and emphasize the repercussions of avoiding treatment.
  • Give you access to a professional interventionist in your community. We have relationships with experienced interventionists in the Toms River area and will provide a reference to the right individual who will help you plan an in-person intervention. They will instruct you on how to speak to your family member and steer the conversation, so it continues to be productive.

How Does An Intervention Work?

If you haven't seen an addiction intervention outside of TV, what might you prepare for? Here are the essential steps of the process:

  1. Devise a plan with a tight-knit group of people who are concerned about the person in need: relatives, friends, clergy, or healthcare providers. A skilled interventionist will also help keep the intervention on task. Make certain you understand the level of the problem and what you are expecting as next steps in the process.

  2. ​​Invite your loved one to meet you to a location without divulging your plan. Your team of supporters need to be there too.

  3. Communicate to your friend or relative that you and everyone else present because you are concerned them, and can’t let their substance use destroy their life.

  4. Allow everyone to express how your loved one’s substance use has affected them.

  5. Offer a therapy choice and likely repercussions for not seeking treatment. Hold firm if they respond in a negative way. A skilled interventionist can help steer this communication.

  6. If they agree to getting care, begin the tasks to get them admitted to rehab right away.

Can You Do An Intervention During Inpatient Rehab?

Addiction rehabilitation has plenty of ups and downs. There are times when patients want to quit rehab against their therapists’ advice. While every rehab center will have its own way of approaching the situation when an individual resists therapy, Evolve Recovery Center Toms River can direct an intervention at our center. We’ll encourage you to participate in person or online to talk about things like:

  • Why your friend or relative wishes to leave early

  • Why we believe they ought to remain

  • The risks -- including relapsing and overdose -- of departing rehab before they’re ready

  • If a lower level of treatment makes sense

  • How Evolve team members and relatives can further support the patient to help them remain at rehab

Evolve Toms River Will Provide Information About Interventions, Therapy, and Addiction

Relatives and friends play a crucial part in our drug and alcohol rehab program. Our residents enjoy the most success when all parties work together to help them. When relatives have questions about drug or alcohol rehab, just get in touch with one of our knowledgeable staff members. We can inform you on:

  • When a person should consider substance use rehab

  • The ramifications of not entering rehab

  • Our objectives and treatment methods

  • How you may support your loved one in rehab

  • How to handle the strain of having a loved one in rehab

If you would like to learn more about addiction rehab at Evolve before admitting a loved one, contact 732-629-9672 at your convenience. Our team will respond to all of your inquiries to make certain that your family member can obtain the assistance they need without delay.

Find Intervention Services Near Toms River Today

No one has to tackle substance use disorder by themselves. If you or a loved one needs drug or alcohol treatment, you can get help now by contacting 732-629-9672 or filling out the form below. A member of our team will reply promptly, regardless of the day or time. We are standing by for you around the clock.